
In June 2016 we had a section 5 Ofsted Inspection when we were graded as good overall, with some outstanding aspects.

On 21 and 22 January 2020, we had our Ofsted Inspection under the new inspection criteria. This was a Section 8 inspection, which does not result in individual graded judgements or change the overall effectiveness grade of the school. The inspector was complimentary about the school and remarked on how lucky the children were to attend here. She told us that the children said it was fun to come to school at Goat Lees. The inspector asked us to thank the staff and in particular, the children, who she thought were delightful. We were very pleased to hear that the children appreciate the school environment and are proud to be at Goat Lees. It was evident there are high and clear expectations of behaviour in the classrooms and around the school. The inspector told the Governors that there are lots of opportunities for the children and we know that the school community really appreciate the range of extra-curricular activities and clubs on offer. We would like to thank those parents who took the time to contribute to Parent View and it is clear the overwhelming majority of families support both their children and the school. Thank you to all the children, staff and parents who spoke to the inspector over the course of the two days, as it reinforced what I had told the inspector during our initial conversation. The recommendations that have been given are the areas of further improvement we had set ourselves for this academic year and we are already well on the way to achieving these. We will continue to strive to offer the very best care and education for our school community. 

Ofsted report January 2020: please click here for the full report.

Ofsted report June 2016: please click here for the full report.

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