Billy Class go on their first school trip

In Term 1, Billy Class went on their first school trip to Godinton House. They travelled on our school minibus which they thought was great fun. At Godinton House,  Helen showed us around the lovely dining room and the Great Hall. They also visited the gardens to see what was grown there - they were amazed by the size of some of the vegetables!

Read more: Billy Class go on their first school trip

French Day!

Billy Class had such a fun time during our French Day at school. They found out about the Eiffel Tower, learnt the colours of the rainbow (in French) and got to taste some pain au choocolat - yum! They also enjoyed their lunch of croque monsieur.

Read more: French Day!

Sharing our stories

For our longer pieces of writing, we try to ensure a purpose for the children's writing. This might be for display, to share their work with other children and adults, or even to send their work to someone. This term, Year 6 have written and published their own story books based on the book 'Flood'  by Alvaro Villa. The children knew they would be sharing this story with the children in Year 4. It was lovely to see the Year 4 children so engrossed with their stories and Year 6 being very proud of their achievements. 

Read more: Sharing our stories

Year 6 Waste not, want not project

Year 6 have been running their 'Waste not, want project' this term. This is to try and reduce the amount of food and plastics from going to landfill sites. If you have any food that you are not going to use, please bring it into school so someone else might be able to make use of it. We have also started branching out to other things such as toys, books and school uniform. If we have anything available, we will be open on Monday and Friday. Thank you for your support.

Read more: Year 6 Waste not, want not project

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