Billy Class


Term 4

We have had another busy and fun term in Billy Class! The children loved learning about maps and have drawn and labelled maps of their bedrooms. World Book Day was a big highlight of the term for the children and it was really good to see them dressing up as characters they love as well as expressing themselves through their costume choices. We got together with our Year 6 buddies to share stories on the day which was very heart-warming for us teachers and beneficial to both the younger and older children. Science week was really interesting as we learned about shadows and how they are made. We also went on nature walks to see what changes we could spot from Winter to Spring. We also had a week focussing on the RE topic of ‘which people are special and why.’ The children made postcards to a special friend in the class, learned about Jesus feeding the 5000 and also about the story of Zacchaeus the tax collector, thinking about times when we may have made bad choices ourselves. The last week of term has been filled with lots of Easter crafts! We have designed and made Easter egg decorations as part of our DT topic, made chocolate nests and made cute little chicks to bring home too! We are really proud of all of our Billy Class children and we look forward to the Summer term with you all!

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Term 3

This term Billy Class have been busy with their boats topic! We started with a boat-themed KIC theatre session – lots of fun was had by all! Lots of different boat stories have been shared with the class and they have been keen to find out about different types of boats. They have investigated what materials would make a boat water-proof and have learned about floating and sinking. They then designed their own boats and listed the junk modelling resources that they would need. Finally, the children made their boats and tested them on the pond which they absolutely loved!

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Term 2

Billy Class have had a fun and busy second term! We started it off with our pumpkin week! The children loved decorating their own pumpkins and acting out the story of ‘We’re going on a Pumpkin Hunt.’ Finding out about lots of different celebrations has been really enjoyable and the children have asked many interesting questions and shared their own experiences of celebrations that they take part in with their families. The children made Diya lamps from clay for Diwali and drew pictures of themselves celebrating at different times with the people that they live with. We have worked super hard in Phonics and the children have now learned all of the phase 2 phonemes and graphemes. Billy Class have loved spending time with their Year 6 buddies! We went on a nature walk with them and also performed the Nativity story using puppets we have made. All of the Billy Class teachers are really proud of the children for learning songs and lines to perform in our class play, ‘Shine Star Shine.’ Well done to all of you and we are looking forward to Term 3!

Term 1

The Colour Monster

This term we read the Colour Monster. This wonderfully, sensitive book allowed us to explore the different emotions that we feel every day. We explored how we looked when we felt these different emotions, what made us feel these emotions and shared thoughts on what we could do when we felt a certain way. We designed our own monsters, explored mixing and creating our own colours. Our display in outside our classroom shows off our amazing monsters and tells you how they are feeling.


We experienced our first Harvest Festival at school. We learnt about what Harvest is and what produce is harvested at this time of year in Britain. We painted pictures of fruits, vegetables, farmers and combine harvesters. We performed our song ‘Big Red Combine Harvester’, along with the Makaton signs, and shared our wonderful paintings and pictures in our whole school harvest festival. We were very brave and Ms Adams told us that we were amazing!

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